In 1999, while visiting my 72 year old mother, I had noticed that her very large purse was stuffed with incontinence pads and was saddened to learn that she was suffering from urge incontinence (overactive bladder). At that time, I was aware of the Kegelmaster product and purchased one for my mother. She agreed to use it and after only a few days of exercising with the Kegelmaster, her incontinence problem ended.
Soon, I learned that her sister suffered from the more common form of female urinary incontinence (stress incontinence), and she also agreed to use a Kegelmaster. My aunt experienced the same positive results that my mother did. And for the first time in years, she could sneeze, laugh, cough, lift and (most important to her) play tennis without worrying about leaks and "spurts". As my aunt so eloquently puts it, "Now, I can play doubles without dribbles!"
A few weeks later, I recommended the Kegelmaster to the mother of a good friend, who was scheduled for surgery to relieve incontinence and pain experienced during intercourse. She was able to cancel the surgery because using the Kegelmaster ended both problems!
With the amazing Kegelmaster results I saw in these three women's lives, it was easy for me to realize this device is nothing short of a "miracle" for women of all ages, and that a decision was being made for me about the "life work" I need to be doing.
I founded Kegelmaster WorldWide - the premier distributor of the Kegelmaster2000 - and I am proud to say that we have made it our business to know and understand about exercise of the pelvic floor muscles and the positive benefits to women's health.
In our ongoing commitment to women's health, I hope you will take advantage of our Message Boards. It's a convenient and anonymous place to ask questions and make comments about your experience with Kegelmaster2000.
Our dedicated staff members are ready to take your calls at 888-Kegelmaster Call us from 8:30a.m to 11:00p.m. Monday through Saturday; and Noon to 8:00p.m. Sunday (Eastern Standard Time).
My mother and aunt are both active again, and are both still exercising with Kegelmaster. What are you waiting for? Kegelmaster2000 is one of the best purchases you'll ever make. Order yours now!
Kegelmaster WorldWide
Our mission is to empower women with information and a way to achieve vaginal fitness and sexuality that is affordable, private and discreet, as well as being a solution and prevention for urinary incontinence.
Your freedom from incontinence is waiting!
You have nothing to lose!
Our full 90- day money back guarantee proves it!
Kegelmaster is one of the best purchases you will ever make!
Don't wait another minute - Order now!

1-888-Kegelmaster (888-534-3562)
KegelMaster™ WorldWide
4411 Bee Ridge Road, Suite 603,Sarasota, FL 34233
1-888-Kegelmaster (888-534-3562) Outside U.S. (941) 342-6410
8:30am-11:00pm Eastern time
Kegelmaster2000® is a Registered Trademark. US Patent #5,865,715
Copyright © 2002 by KegelMaster™ WorldWide. All rights reserved.
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