Here's what a few of our customers have written
about their experiences with the Kegelmaster:
My husband gave me the Kegelmaster as a Christmas gift. Ever since the birth of our daughter, I've had a terrible problem with incontinence. The doctors all said the same thing, "Do Kegels." What lame advise. I could kegel night and day, and not have any relief. My husband heard of Kegelmaster on the Bob & Tom show, and thought it my help my incontinence problem while having bonus benefits for him. I must admit when he gave me the devise, I had some serious doubts. All those doubts disappeared after my first session. I can now laugh, cough, sneeze and do high-impact aerobics without fear of the dribbles. I can not say enough good things about your product. I wish I had heard about the Kegelmaster years ago. If a device such as this were invented to help men, national media would be all over it. I only wish Kegelmaster could receive that kind of exposure, so that all women could benefit from this great product. I intend to tell my friends, and suggest my doctor tell his patients about this terrific invention. -- T.M. Indiana
I have had Kegelmaster for 3 months or so. Using it three times per week has improved my muscle strength tremendously. I have not had any incontinent episodes in past month. I am only 47 but had been having incontinent episodes for over a yeaar when exercising or running. I Had to give up aerobic exercises that I loved. But since using the Kegelmaster I have returned to exercising three to four times a week without incident. My husband can feel the difference and so can I! It's wonderful. On my next gyn visit I am taking the kegel master with me to show my doctor how well it has worked so he can recommend it to other patient like me. I am very impressed with the product. Thank you. -- S.S. California
I'm a runner, and the only thing that would ruin it for me is if I would drink something one to four hours before my run and not being able to time my pre-run bathroom trip just right. Risking dehydration was a threat. I don't have to tell any female athlete what I am talking about! I love running but probably hate those little "leaks" even more. Your Kegelmaster makes so much sense. Just like a piece of Nautilus equipment it's progressive and unlike conventional Kegel exercises it provides resistance. Plus unlike Kegels it's not boring. Kegels never worked for me at all yet I sensed after 2 days of using your product I was going to have a lot fewer "accidents." Now, after 2 weeks I am happy beyond belief. Now I know I most likely will never have an accident-ever!! I won't even go into what it has done for my sex life. Let's just say the Kegelmaster does everything you promised and more! Thanks for having such an ingenious product. -- T.F. Tennessee
I am a woman who suffered (past tense) from incontinence. Before using the Kegelmaster 2000, I thought there was no hope for me, my control was lost, and my lifestyle was very uncomfortable. I used the Kegelmaster for the first time and I was able to close it about a quarter of an inch. Not very much, I know. But using the Kegelmaster just that one time was enough. I gained some control back, and I was able to actually stop the flow of my urine when I wanted to. I hadn't been able to do that for years, It was wonderful! And it gave me hope. I now use the Kegelmaster 3 times a week, and I never leak, not even just a little. With the help of the Kegelmaster I now live my life incontinence free!!! Thank You Kegelmaster 2000! -- E.J. Michigan
I can't tell you how unbelievably fantastic your product is. I am an active 70 year old and never thought of myself as "incontinent" even though I was having 3-4 little accidents a day. Typically I would get up to go to the bathroom, and just never make it. After using the Kegelmaster just twice , I have not had a single accident-and it has been over three weeks now! This is strange! There is virtually no effort involved. Why aren't doctors pushing this? -- L.D. Florida
Need more proof the Kegelmaster really works?
Read on:
I was previously doing kegels before I tried the KM2000. I used another device (a waste of money) called the Kegelcisor. When I first tried the Kegelmaster I had problems reaching an orgasm and knew I was no longer tight since the birth of my child although I had a gozillion stitches and a epistiotmy. I believe that doing the kegels helped but now I've only used the KM2000 for a month and a half and I can do all four springs. My ex-fiancé and I are back together and the first time we had sex he told me that I'm much tighter that I had ever been and he couldn't believe it. I am so happy and relieved. If you have not tried it do so, it will work wonders for you, not to mention how wonderful your mate will feel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Kegelmaster 2000 works better than those kegel exercises your doctor told you about. It's not a sex toy, but it's exciting like one. The resistance is just what I needed to gain muscle control beyond what the normal kegel exercises had to offer.
My husband and I had been searching for a way to spice up our sex life. We tried many of the well know and most obvious sex toys out there, and they all seemed to give the same effect. We discovered the Kegelmaster 2000 on-line and decided it would be an interesting, healthy, yet sexual exercise that my husband could take part in. At first it felt very unusual to do such an exercise with him watching. But now, I get aroused knowing he is aroused when he watches my vagina tighten up. It's a fun sexual experience for those women out there who love to do kegel exercises, but are bored with the old fashioned way.
I tried doing regular kegel exercises after the birth of my first child. It took a very long time to feel any of the benefits. I was only able to have one orgasm when my husband preformed oral sex and I never had an orgasm during intercourse. Now that I have been using the Kegelmaster 2000, I am able to have not just one orgasm but multiple orgasms during intercourse! For me the Kegelmaster 2000 was a little strange to use at first, but I stuck with it and gradually I was able to improve my sex life by 80%.
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Kegelmaster is one of the best purchases
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(941) 504-3315 or
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KegelMaster™ WorldWide
4411 Bee Ridge Road, Suite 603,Sarasota, FL 34233
1-888-Kegelmaster (888-534-3562) Outside U.S. (941) 504-3315
8:30am-9:00pm Eastern time
Kegelmaster2000® is a Registered Trademark. US Patent #5,865,715
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